szept. 17. 2024, Tuesday
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Akwokwo from Sadaksari Tibetian Mastiff Kennel went on a long journey

This week we said goodbye from another Tibetan Mastiff puppy. Sadaksari Akwokwo was welcomed in belgium by the new owners, Noel Wandelaere and Driessens Ruth. We wish them good luck!

Akwokwo from Sadaksari Tibetian Mastiff Kennel went on a long journey

Do you have a question?


Bettina Hári

Mobil Hr: +385 99 404 9434
Mobil Hu: +36 20 228 22 61
Croatian address: Novi Bezdan 31322 Croatia, Aranji Janosa 31
Hungarian address: Nagyharsány 7822 Hungary, Vásártér u. 17

Federation Cynologique Internationale | FCI