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Breed description

The Tibetan Mastiff is brave, loyal and kind dog, who doesn't know what impossible is. Who accepts them as a family member, can experience that they are extremely adaptable and affectionate, because the nature of the ancient sheepdog. However they require consistency in education.

Great, aristocratic-looking dog, with robust body structure. Their body is strong and straight, with good angulation. The dog's skeleton and the deep chest reveals their extraordinary strength. The Tibetan Mastiff's movement is strong, but it's also light.

Another illustration of Tibetan Mastiff by his owner side.

His head is large and wide, with a strong hitch. His eyes are very expressive, medium sized, eye-color can be any shade of brown. The Tibetan Mastiff's eyes are sit far apart, oval and slightly oblique. His teeth is strong, the bite is scissor-like, but the pincer-like bite is also acceptable in this species. The ears are Heart-shaped and sit on the top of the head.

He has strong, muscular, dewlapped, but also arched neck. The long fur is forming a mane around his neck. In the winter, his body is covered with a dense undercoat, which becomes scarce in the summer. The dog's tail also has abundant fur, which frizzles aristocratically over his back.

His legs are muscular, straight, his paws are big and oval-shaped. There is fur between his fingers. The colors of the Tibetan Mastiff can be bright black, black and tan, various shades of gold, gray, and finally gray and tan. White spot is also allowed on his chest and on his paws.

The accepted withers height for males is at least 65 centimeters, while the minimum withers height for females is at least 61 centimeters. The males weigh 50 to 80 kg, while the females are somewhat lighter. Tibetan Mastiffs average life is 10 to 12 years.

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Bettina Hári

Mobil Hr: +385 99 404 9434
Mobil Hu: +36 20 228 22 61
Croatian address: Novi Bezdan 31322 Croatia, Aranji Janosa 31
Hungarian address: Nagyharsány 7822 Hungary, Vásártér u. 17

Federation Cynologique Internationale | FCI